Intellectual battle of lyceum students at the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing

Graduates of technical and legal lyceums took place in the intellectual battle at the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing on November 21, 2018. The event occurred with the support of the Valentina Panasyuk (Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing), Oksana Adamyk (Acting Head of the Department of Economic Expertise and Business Auditing) and Yulia Hnatyuk (Deputy Director of the Ternopil Municipal Methodological Center for Scientific and Educational Innovations and Monitoring).

Educational institutions presented 10 lyceum students who solved problems of varying complexity. Some of them were figured out by the team captain, but most – by the team. The game involved providing the correct answer in a limited time and the fastest achievement of the tasks.
Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing acted as mentors and encouraged students to brainstorm. The game took place in an active form and excited participants. Some of the questions were asked in the form of a video, which added interest to the game.